Recipe For Disaster: Woman Gets Roasted For Bringing Her Own Ranch Bottle On A Date
Sometimes it seems like every time you log onto the Internet; you find people debating extremely serious topics with incredibly heavy tones.
Other times, you find people debating the pros and cons of bringing your own ranch to a restaurant.
Date Night Disaster

Etiquette on a date can be tough to figure out. That's why one woman took to Reddit after an unsuccessful date to find out if her behavior on the outing was rude enough to have lost her chances at a follow-up date.
And it was all about a bottle of Ranch.
The Story Began

"Last night, I went to dinner with Michael. It was our third date, and he took me to one of his favorite restaurants," shared a Reddit user.
"It was a hole-in-the-wall Polish/Hungarian place."
She's A Ranch Lover

"We ordered our food, and he ordered a sampler plate so I could try different things," she went on to say.
"There are very few things I don't eat with ranch; I just like it."
She Asked The Waiter

"It makes some things easier to eat, so I always have it with my meals," she explained.
"When we got our food, I asked for some ranch," she wrote. But that's when things got interesting.
No Ranch At All

"The waiter said they didn't have any and offered to bring out some kind of sour cream and dill sauces," she wrote and added that she did her best.
"I tried them, and they just weren't the same."
She Had An Idea

"I told Michael I'd be right back, took my wallet, and left the restaurant. I had seen a convenience store close by when arriving, so I went, bought a bottle of ranch, and came back," she explained.
You read that right — she went out and bought her own ranch!
Her Date Wasn't Happy

"Michael looked shocked but didn't say anything and ate his food," she wrote and added that the date continued until the waiter came back.
"The food was great, and we got some conversation going when the waiter came over and said outside food wasn't allowed."
She Didn't Want To Make A Scene.

She wrote that while she argued with the waiter about it, she ended up conceding and returning the bottle of ranch to her car.
"I said dressing isn't outside food, and they didn't have what I needed to enjoy my meal. I didn't want to ruin the evening, so I took it out to my car and returned."
Not A Great Ending To The Date

"When we finished and left, Michael thanked me for coming out with him but said it was really off-putting that I had to leave and go buy a bottle of dressing instead of just going one meal without it," she wrote.
It seemed to be a turning point in the date for him.
He Walked Away

"I told him I wouldn't have had to do that if they had had ranch or any dressings like a normal restaurant," she wrote.
"He didn't walk me to my car or anything and just left."
Her Roommate Weighed In

"I went home and told my roommate about my date and his attitude, and she asked me if I was being serious," she explained.
"She thinks I had bad etiquette and embarrassed Michael to the point he was probably going to stop talking to me."
She Asked The Internet What They Thought

"I don't think what I did was really all that bad; it was a condiment, not an entire meal from someplace. Was I wrong for what I did?" she asked.
The Internet was definitely willing to weigh in.
"Immature And Inappropriate"

One commenter wrote that she was in the wrong "for leaving Michael and going to buy the ranch dressing, bringing it in the restaurant, arguing with the waiter, and being so oblivious to how immature and inappropriate this was."
"But good on you for giving Michael priceless insight into your priorities so he could nope on out after only three dates."
"Quite Childish"

"Michael telling this story will be a hit at parties!" one commenter joked.
"Not being able to sit through a meal without a specific condiment is quite childish," another added.
Others Took Issue With "Normal"

One user wrote that she was acting like "a literal child. You couldn't even go without it, so you had to LEAVE mid-date and buy it, then argue with the waiter and embarrass your date. The icing on the cake is even your roommate says you were wrong for your actions. Bonus points for saying the restaurant needed ranch like a normal restaurant."
"News flash, kid, a restaurant doesn't need to have ranch, especially when it's a NON AMERICAN ETHNIC restaurant."
Some People Were On Her Side

Not everyone thought her move to grab a bottle of Ranch was weird.
"I'm seeing mostly negative comments, but I think this person who went to a convenience store to get ranch dressing during her restaurant date rules," one user wrote on Twitter after a tweet about the story went viral.
"Be Prepared"

"I support the ranch, but that's why you always keep it in your purse," another user tweeted with advice.
"You’re gonna just leave and buy some gas station ranch? Be prepared."
"The Condiment Curve"

"I think 'bringing your own condiments to a restaurant' is the sort of thing that's adorable if someone is younger than 14 or so, then gets increasingly weird as you get older, until it becomes gradually more adorable again for seniors," one user tweeted.
"I call this the "Condiment Curve."
Some Said To Keep Ranch In Her Purse

"I can see war breaking out over this post, lmao! Ranch is a serious issue," one user joked.
"That said, as a lover of ranch, she was completely in the wrong. MAYBE it would have been better if she already had the bottle in her purse, but to get up, leave, and go buy a bottle was just NOPE."
Personal Preference

"People have unusual food needs sometimes, and I don't think you’re a bad person for that, but I absolutely do not want to date someone like this," one person tweeted.
Others echoed the idea that they couldn't date someone who wasn't an adventurous eater.
Some Related To Her Struggle

"I'm gonna stick my hand up & say I’ve had the audacity to do something very similar (brought in a coke cos the restaurant didn’t stock it) & I am on the spectrum & this was during a period of intense eating disorder manifestation," one person tweeted.
"A friend takes their own hot sauce everywhere."
Others Thought It Was Classy

One user tweeted that they liked that she "knew what she wanted and didn't settle for dill when it didn't taste right. But tried at first. That's polite!"
"Got up and went to go get. Admirable. Even took it to the car when people around her got hurt. Classy!"
But What About The Sauce At The Restaurant?

"But... Ranch IS a sour cream dill sauce... I mean, you do know that, right? The three top ingredients in Ranch are sour cream, buttermilk, and mayo..." one user pointed out.
"The only other ingredients in Ranch are spices... And dill is one of those spices..."
She Shouldn't Be Surprised

"So the waiter offered you homemade, gourmet ranch dressing. Perfect for the dishes you were eating. You said no thanks. Got the bottled stuff," they continued.
"Then tried to be all Surprised Pikachu Face when the staff told you you couldn't bring in outside food."
Not One Meal

"Ranch dressing isn't normal for Polish/Hungarian food," one user wrote.
"It’s really weird and a bit concerning you couldn’t go ONE meal without ranch dressing, and it’s definitely rude to leave a restaurant midway through a meal just to buy a condiment."
"Broaden Your Horizons"

"Like, I prefer Diet Coke with a meal, and sometimes it's a bummer when there’s Pepsi, but I’d never leave mid-meal to grab a Diet Coke," someone wrote.
"You should broaden your horizons."
"An American Stereotype"

"This is extremely embarrassing, immature, and rude behavior. The fact that it was ranch dressing turned the situation from an embarrassing gaffe to an awful American stereotype," someone wrote.
"It is very probable that this guy won't want to see you again. Just have to take it as a lesson and don't do any part of this again."
Some Called Her Naive

"If you have food sensitivities/preferences to this degree, you research the restaurant or communicate your needs to your date. You take responsibility for your needs or choices," a commenter wrote.
"Assuming ALL restaurants have ranch is naive at best (it isn't universal)."
Picky Eating Is Not An Excuse

"I can be a picky eater, but I can find something to eat at every restaurant," another user wrote.
"But to not be able to eat something at a restaurant without having to go to a convenience store to buy ranch dressing to slather on your food is the epitome of rudeness."
Some Wished Her The Best

"Hopefully, you will find someone with similar taste buds to date, but I wouldn't count on this guy," one user wrote.
What do you think? Would this be a deal-breaker for you, or are you in total understanding with how much she loved ranch?