There Are 42 School Buses Buried Underground Thanks To One Man’s Strange Reasoning
Just outside a major city in Canada lies a secret that's been kept well-hidden over the years. Most people don’t even know about it but the ones who do are blown away by what’s down there, and more importantly – why it’s down there. It was all done by one man with a vision for a future that’s unlike anything you’ve ever heard of. Read on to learn about this man and the reason why he buried so many school buses under the ground.
A Secret Lies Under The Ground In Canada

Many people who live near a certain rural area in Canada have no idea about a secret that lies under the ground there. A few do know about it, but not many of those have actually seen it. This secret is something that the local authorities are trying to put an end to – but what is it?
An elderly man named Bruce Beach is responsible for this underground wonder. Motivated by fear and paranoia, he buried dozens of buses and created a mazelike world below the earth. Recently, he's decided to discuss his bizarre creation and the reason for burying all those buses.
What Drove Bruce To Do This?

Bruce Beach is an elderly man who's lived through a lot during his lifetime. He witnessed the atrocities of Vietnam and experienced the fear and paranoia of the Cold War. Bruce’s current mindset is a direct result of living through these events.
Bruce, his wife, and their children were living in Kansas when they decided to seek out a safer life for themselves. They packed up and made the long trip north to the snowy lands of Canada.
Is This The Safest Place On Earth? Bruce Believes So

This trip north from Kansas to Horning's Mills, Canada, took place in the 1970s. Bruce’s wife calls the village her hometown. It’s situated near Ontario and takes about 90 minutes to reach by car from Toronto.
Bruce had major aspirations for this trip and for the safe new life he planned to build for his family in Canada. He just knew that Horning’s Mills was the best possible location to make his vision a reality.
Implementing The Plan

Bruce's master plan, which he began working on in the early 1980s, was implemented in several steps. The first stage involved gathering a vast collection of old school buses. He ended up with a total of 42 buses!
Each bus cost Bruce around $300, meaning that this was a pretty costly venture. This was not just some flight of fancy or passing thought. The buses were all shipped to Bruce at home, and no one had any idea what he was going to do with the massive collection.
School Buses Were Ideal

There were plenty of different vehicle types that Bruce could have opted for in order to complete his quest. But it turned out that school buses were ideal for his purpose.
You see, school buses are built to protect precious cargo: all those children inside. This means that their roofs are securely reinforced with strong steel, which could also withstand the weight of being under lots of heavy dirt overhead. And school buses are roomy, with plenty of space for supplies and for people.
One Step Follows The Next

Of course, Bruce had purchased a large piece of land when he settled in Canada with his family. Now, those 12.5 acres of land were about to come in handy for the next step of his plan. He had a small team of volunteers gathered and they set to work.
The army of workers began to dig. And they continued to dig until the hole was large enough to encase all 42 buses. Once that was done, Bruce connected each of them together much like a giant underground maze. There were a variety of different rooms and storage areas.
In The Dark For Eternity

These buses were never again going to see daylight. Buried deep in the land, they now formed the structure that Bruce hoped would protect him and his loved ones from any outside threats.
To make the underground bunker even safer, Bruce then poured two feet of concrete over the top of the labyrinth of buses and followed that up with 14 feet of dirt for additional protection. All of this was completely invisible from the surface.
The Structure Was Immense

After all the buses were connected, Bruce's dream bunker ended up measuring in at an amazing 10,000 square feet of atomic blast-proof space. This was quite a feat!
Construction will never be complete as long as Bruce lives, but the result of this initial construction phase was pretty amazing. This bunker is actually one of the largest underground structures in all of North America. It’s big enough to house 500 people in the case of a huge disaster like a nuclear blast. Fittingly, Bruce named his bunker "Ark Two."
He Didn't Do It All On His Own

We already knew that Bruce had some help when he dug the giant hole to place his buses in. But it turns out that he had sought out the assistance of a professional engineer when he embarked on this project. Just because it looks like he just threw a bunch of buses in a big pit doesn't mean there wasn’t some legit engineering behind the scenes.
The structural engineer who helped out with Bruce’s plan is the same one that built Toronto’s subway system. As this is one of the busiest subway systems in the world, it’s safe to say that the engineer knew what they were doing.
Even More Help Is Called In

People from the nearby town of Horning's Mills were willing to help Bruce with his project once he put the word out for assistance. Around 50 locals volunteered their weekends to help with both planning and labor tasks.
You might be wondering why so many people would be eager to donate their weekends to work on a project that sounds a little bit crazy. You’ll find out the answer soon enough.
The Price Of Admission To The Ark Is Volunteer Work

In the awful case that a huge tragedy or disaster ever hit, Bruce has promised that all the people who volunteered to help on his Ark will be guaranteed a spot in the safe space.
In exchange for admission, volunteers must spend a few weekends per year working on the shelter. Tasks include things like maintenance, renovations… anything to help out, really. Bruce's volunteers consider that a pretty small price to pay if the worst ever happens!
How Do You Get Down Into The Ark?

By now, you might be pretty curious about what the Ark looks like underground. But first we'll take a look at how to get down there. Any visitor who’s given permission to visit first enters through an above-ground portal. This rusted out metal portal holds a power generator and is one of the only parts of the bunker that can be seen from above.
There’s then a 14-foot descent through the dirt before visitors reach the concrete surrounding the bus labyrinth. From there, one starts to learn more about all of the amazing features hidden in this incredible structure.
There Are Some People Who Will Not Be Granted Access To The Ark

Bruce knows full well that there will be a ton of people knocking on the Ark's door if a disaster ever strikes. But he also knows that he’ll have to be pretty choosy about who can actually come in.
People who are sick pose a threat to the entire population in such closed quarters. It could even prove fatal in some cases. Bruce had a plan in place for times that people who looked healthy on the outside were allowed into the bunker.
A Decontamination Chamber

Anyone wishing to access Ark Two during a crisis will be screened first, and everyone must shower before entering. Bruce's bunker even has a chamber for decontaminating people.
The decontamination chamber is one of the first areas that people pass through upon entering. It holds a double stainless steel sink, a bathtub, and a shower. There’s even a separate area to decontaminate food and items that come into the shelter.
Bruce Has Covered The Basics

As we've already seen, Bruce is a pretty thorough planner. So of course he has all of the basics that you’d need in a crisis already in place. Plumbing, electricity, and access to water are all key inclusions in an emergency shelter. The Ark has all of those, plus around three months of fuel.
The shelter’s septic tank is big enough for a motel and there’s also a well with potable water. Outside water could well be contaminated in a nuclear crisis.
"Preppers" Are Impressed With Bruce's Design

Folks who go through life with the assumption that catastrophes and disasters are likely to happen are sometimes called "preppers" (short for “preparers”). These people dedicate much of their time and resources to getting ready for their feared disasters.
One person who volunteers with the Ontario Prepper Survival Network gave an interview about Bruce's bunker. “When you go inside the bunker for the first time, it is a different planet, it’s like you’re on Mars,” they said. “When you hear about this concept of 42 school buses underground, to fathom it is nothing compared to going in and actually seeing it… It’s crazy in there.”
How Does Bruce Manage The Issue Of Food Storage?

The Ark contains two industrial kitchens. Neither are fancy by any standards but you can bet that they're stocked with the basics that would be required in the event of a disaster. Bruce even has a friend who’s a chef that volunteered to come to the Ark and cook for everyone if the worst is ever to happen.
Near the kitchens are two different food storage rooms. Although there’s plenty of space to store food, keeping fresh food on hand is a huge problem for Bruce.
Wasted Food

Bruce admits that one of the toughest parts of his work on the shelter is the issue of food storage. In the event of an emergency, food is vital for survival. But when you don't know when disaster will strike, keeping non-expired food on hand can prove quite difficult.
In an interview with the National Post, Bruce had this to say. "I don’t know how many tons of food we have had to throw out over the years." Even though much of the food is canned, the Ark was completed thirty years ago and most items are simply not going to last that long.
Forty Years Of Planning

Over the four decades that Bruce Beach has been planning, building, and tweaking Ark Two, he's had some pretty grand ideas. The shelter has a ton of rooms with different functions. There are bunk rooms for sleeping (more about that later), living spaces, bathrooms, a doctor’s office, dentist’s chair, library, day room, and more. There’s even a mortuary for the inevitable.
The list doesn’t stop there. Also included in the design are a radio communications room, laundry area, conference room, gyms, a chapel, and a nursery with a "cry room."
Families Will Be Separated

In Ark Two, Bruce plans to separate men and women in the bunk rooms. This is in order to save space for others.
A website about nuclear survivor resources called Rad4U explains this rationale. "In order to get the number of people into the shelter that the government standard says that a shelter this size is supposed to [house]," this is the way things have to be done. "Each of the seven bunk rooms has 24 bunks. These are shared on three shifts by adults, and 2 shifts by children."
Special Consideration For Children

Bruce has planned ahead for any children who might end up sheltering at Ark Two. It's important to him that children be given the resources they’ll need to have successful lives on the outside once danger has passed. Beside the daycare and nursery, there are also classrooms in the bunker.
A playground on site is already stocked with toys and games, as well as several chess boards. Bruce thinks chess is a vital learning tool.
Contacting Those Outside

During a humanitarian crisis like one that would cause Ark Two to be needed, survivors inside will need to be able to reach those outside. Bruce has outfitted his bunker with a radio system that can broadcast FM and AM frequencies.
The radio's signals are strong enough to reach Canada and the United States. Reaching the outside world could be the difference between life and death for Ark Two’s inhabitants.
He Seems To Fit The Definition

From what we've learned about preppers so far, Bruce seems to fit the definition. Preppers are people who are so sure that devastating events, such as nuclear wars, will occur that they spend a good bit of their lives preparing for them.
Even though Bruce was included on an episode of National Geographic’s television series called Doomsday Preppers, he might have a different opinion of them than you’d expect. Read on to find out what he thinks of preppers.
How Bruce Views Preppers

Bruce Beach believes that he differs from the standard definition of what constitutes a prepper. Even though he's spent much of his life getting ready for an unspecified disaster, he thinks that he’s less selfish than others who prepare for crises.
Most preppers are motivated by self-survival, according to Bruce, than they are by a feeling of concern for others. Bruce views his efforts as selfless and says his goal is to save as many people as possible in the event of a catastrophe. Others only care about their own families.
Bruce's Wife Is Supportive But His Kids Aren’t As Sympathetic

Bruce's wife Jean is now in her 90s. As she’s been with Bruce for so long, she’s obviously supportive of is mission. She even assists him with certain planning tasks such as keeping suppy inventories.
However, both of Bruce and Jean’s adult have admitted that they’re not really interested in participating in efforts to maintain Ark Two. They’re not even sure they believe that disaster is imminent. Jean has also admitted that she tires of all the fuss about the shelter at times.
Bruce Faces Opposition

There's also opposition from outside the Beach family. According to Ontario’s government officials, Ark Two is a public hazard and they have attempted to shut it down. Its intended function to help the public in the face of disaster isn’t enough to dissuade them.
Additionally, Bruce didn’t obtain any permits when he built the underground labyrinth. As a result, he has had to make more than 30 court appearances over the years.
The Fire Department Has Sealed Ark Two

As you can imagine, the folks at the Ontario Fire Department also view Ark Two as a hazard. The department wants it closed forever and have sent teams to seal the entrance shut on two separate occasions.
Once, when Bruce was hosting some preppers and survivalists at the bunker, the fire department arrived. They said they were going to seal the shelter for a third time, which obviously upset Bruce. He says that their attempts to shut him down minimize the important and life-saving work he's done for others.
What Does Bruce Think Will Happen?

Bruce is a veteran of the Air Force, where he worked as a radio control tower operator and computer science teacher. Because of the things he saw and learned in these capacities, he believes that there will be an international nuclear war during his lifetime. He specifically thinks Pakistan will bomb India, leading to worldwide warfare.
To the National Post, Bruce said, "I used to always say the end of the world was going to be two years from now. But now I say it is going to be two weeks from now — and if I am wrong, I will revise my date."
Bruce's "SAFE" Community

Bruce Beach operates a community that he calls "Safe America For Everyone," or “SAFE.” The group operates a website with information about Ark Two and just who will be welcome to it.
The site says that "anyone is welcome to join the Ark Two Refuge Facility - so long as they do so before the catastrophe occurs." Everyone who can arrive before the disaster will be welcomed in, regardless of race, religion, politics, language, or culture.
He's Optimistic For The Future, Long-Term

It might not sound like it, but Bruce Beach is optimistic for the long-term future of humanity. Although he believes that people all need to be aware that there's a disaster or international war coming sometime in the future, he thinks that long-term, humanity will be okay.
In the meantime, he warns that people need to be prepared for disaster and should work toward securing their future instead of wasting their time on fruitless things like playing on smartphones. As he summarizes on his website, "I am an optimist about the long term future of mankind but a pessimist about the immediate future."
Inside The Survival Condo: Protecting The Mega-Rich From The Apocalypse

The purpose of the Survival Condo is to protect people from any type of devastation that's happening in the outside world. Its exact location remains a secret, but owner and developer Larry Hall did reveal that it's a three-hour drive from the Kansas City airport.
In the event of an emergency, residents of the Survival Condo would need to make sure they're able to reach it in time, far out past fields, barns, and empty roads in rural Kansas
Larry Hall Is The Developer And Owner Of The Survival Condo

Larry Hall is the brains behind the operation. Once he came up with the idea of utilizing the former Atlas missile silo, he was able to secure $120 million in funding as a Formerly Used Defense Site (FUDS). He sought to build a condo complex that could act as a safe haven during extreme weather, economic collapse, or threat of a nuclear war.
His mission for the project includes "physical protection, psychological design considerations, advanced technology, and the concept of an extended family with diverse backgrounds."
The Build Started With Demo

The Atlas missile silo is one of 72 that was built by the Army Corps of Engineers. Designed to survive a direct nuclear strike, the upper section of the silo has nine-foot thick walls made of epoxy-hardened concrete.
On the top of the silo, the domed structure is built to handle winds stronger than 500 MPH. Altogether, the silo offers 54,000 square feet of protected space and is designed to house 75 people for over five years.
He Purchased The Silo In 2008

Hall decided to purchase the silo in 2008, paying the government $300,000 for the facility. He then invested $20 million into the project. By wisely selecting a Formerly Used Defense Site (FUDS), Hall saved $120 million in construction costs.
The crew got to work building 15 stories below ground, requiring an incredible amount of the strongest materials available. Quality and protection is key to the Survival Condo design. No detail was overlooked.
Working With A Round Layout

The former silo was redesigned into living space with a high-speed elevator and stairwell access throughout the entire facility. The Survival Condo was also built with top-of-the-line air filtration. This allows residents to be safe from the dangers of nuclear, biological, and chemical air pollutants.
Its redundant electric sources keep the facility powered, while 75,000 gallons of water is safely stored at the top of the former Atlas Missile silo.
Massive Steel Beams For Maximum Protection

Hall could have gone with a basic design that strictly focuses on strength and protection, but he felt that it was important to include design and luxury that would appeal to people, and make the facility more enjoyable to live in for five years if needed.
For years, the Environmental Protection Agency monitored the build and gave the facility a thumbs up on meeting health regulations as the missile infrastructure was safely removed.
Multiple Layers Of Rebar

To increase the dome's strength and durability, multiple layers of rebar were constructed on top of each other. Running both horizontally and vertically, the rebar helps protect the most vulnerable element of the facility. There were more than 600 tons of high-strength rebar used to build the structure.
Hall and his team knew what they were doing when they came up with this design, following their "preparing for anything" strategy. While the crew added more concrete to the existing structure, working with what they had saved a lot of money. In 1960 the build cost $15 million. Today it would add $60 million to the project if they were to replicate it.
A Big Operation In A Secret Location

Although many people have heard the buzz about the Survival Condo, Hall insists on keeping its exact location a secret. Situated in rural Kansas, Hall was able to keep the construction of the facility relatively quiet, without curious residents nearby to blow his cover.
Once it was built, Hall offered residents military-grade security, with highly specialized guards on duty to make sure no one threatens the safety of Survival Condo residents.
The Condos Sold Out Quickly

Once people caught wind of what Hall was doing, and just how well he was doing it, it didn't take much convincing for wealthy people to lay their claim on a doomsday condo. The facility is designed with 14 units, with the full-floor condo suite package priced at $3 million.
The full-floor condo spans 1,820 square feet of living space while the half-floor layout is approximately 900 square feet. Each of the 14 units has already been purchased.
The Condo Has Everything You Need

For many families, preparing for an emergency is a tough process. First to consider is all of the possible circumstances you would need to prepare for, as you would need different supplies and protection depending on the type of disaster you're faced with.
Hall's Survival Condo offers a logical option to prepare families for the fallout. Food, water, and supplies are provided, so families won't need to worry about stockpiling items. The steel and concrete design also provide much better protection than any normal residence could.
The Monolithic Dome Adds Protection

Hall and his crew built a monolithic dome over the top of the existing silo for added protection. The steel dome is able to withstand even the most powerful F-5 tornadoes and adds over 20,000 square feet of floor space to the top of the facility.
The dome alone required a lot of work, designed with layers of heavy steel to handle winds over 500 miles per hour. It looks rather curious erected in a rural setting like this.
The Entrance

Outside of the Survival Condo is a high fence, guarded by military-grade security that an attacker would have to pass through to even get to the entrance, which has blast doors designed to withstand large explosives. Looking at the bunker door, you could never guess what awaits inside.
Don't forget- Hall sought to provide protection for families, but he was also targeting the richest of the rich. And wealthy people don't want to give up their luxurious lifestyle, even if the world is on the edge of collapse.
Entering The Facility

Hall's crew masterfully redesigned the former missile silo, including this tiled entryway, that used to be a dark and dreary concrete tunnel. This is the first impression for residents upon entering the Survival Condo.
The few who have been lucky enough to visit the facility have noted the air feeling cool and fresh upon entering, a far cry from the defense site that it used to be. Even for those who might feel claustrophobic, the light tile brightens up the entrance.
An Elegant Entryway

There are two layout options that residents have when looking to purchase their survival condo. The full-floor layouts span 1,820 square feet and are designed for 6-10 family members.
The half-floor layouts cover 900 square feet and accommodate 3-5 people. Both options have a luxurious design that can make even the wealthiest members of society feel right at home. This elegant entryway features a small desk and a storage pocket for magazines and mail-- if such things exist after an apocalypse!
All Of The Comforts Of Home

The condos are customized, as residents can choose the decor that best fits their personal preference. This condo features warm colors with French art. The LED Big Screen TV mounted on the wall with the latest technology in sound makes residents feel right at home, even if a war was breaking out on the land above.
Details like the recessed lighting and beautiful wood floors take this condo to the next level of luxury.
Interior Design Makes Residents Feel Like They're In Their Own Home

When you think about trying to find a place to escape disaster, it's likely that your standards aren't very high. You wouldn't guess that your fallout shelter would have sofa chairs, a beautiful brick fireplace, or a sophisticated color palette- but this is made for the rich.
You can see that the windows are "simulated view" screens. These are important for residents' psychological health when they're unable to go outside for several years. The windows simulate outdoors views with light that brightens or dims, depending on the time of day.
Enough Room To Spread Out

Each condo has plenty of room for a full-size dining table and plenty of seating for all of its residents and possibly a few guests if you happen to make friends with the neighbors. Keeping in mind that the units are designed to comfortably live for five years, all of the furniture and lighting fixtures are of high quality and excellent design.
Each unit also has digital HVAC controls, recessed full spectrum LED lighting and a state-of-the-art energy-efficient washer and dryer in each unit.
An Open Layout

The condo layouts make it easy for everyone to find their cozy spot in the home while also spending time together. The open layout features an L-shaped kitchen countertop with bar seating and a sink that faces out to the living space, so anyone cleaning dishes or cooking can still socialize or watch the kids.
Each unit is provisioned with a five-year supply of food for each family member. The food is freeze-dried and stored in special oxygen-free containers to keep it fresh.
Full-Size Kitchen Appliances

Each kitchen features full-size stainless steel appliances, including the refrigerator, dishwasher, dual-fuel professional range, wall oven, and a deep farmhouse sink.
Residents have several options to customize their kitchen counter-tops, including granite or custom concrete. This kitchen doesn't appear any different than what you would find in a luxury condo that isn't 200 feet below ground! Residents don't have to make any sacrifices in their fall-out home here.
Several Styles To Choose From

The previous slide showed a kitchen with light wood cabinets and Giallo ornamental counter-top. But if that style doesn't match a resident's taste, they can custom design their kitchen with other options, like these dark wood cabinets paired with white granite counter-tops.
The decorative backsplash adds an artsy element to this stunning kitchen. It's hard to believe that this unit is buried under rural Kansas! The design can easily make it feel like a high-end condo in a big city.
All Of The Details Of A Typical Luxury Condo

Residents have multiple options to choose from when customizing their Survival Condo. This includes the high-end flooring options and trim packages. In this unit, the bathroom features a large black granite counter, grey walls, and white trim.
Like any other luxury condo, the layout and hallways make it feel spacious and high-end. The bathroom is the same size as it would be in any other condo above land, offering convenience and comfort.
A Luxurious Bathroom

Seen here with a different counter option, each unit is designed with Kohler bath fixtures and a jetted Jacuzzi tub in the master bath. One thing that you won't see in these bathrooms? Toilet paper! An important aspect of the Survival Condo is to have a five-year supply of everything.
When doing the estimates for the space it would take to store enough toilet paper for 75 people five years, Hall figured out he would need to build an entire floor dedicated to just storing toilet paper, costing millions of dollars. Instead, residents have a toilet and a bidet.
A Practical Bedroom

If you were imagining a tiny cruise ship-like bed or cot, think again. The Survival Condo features three bedrooms in the full-floor layout and 1-2 bedrooms in the half-floor layout. The bedrooms are designed with practical storage options and shelving to make the most of the space.
Bedrooms also have the outdoor simulated view windows seen in the living space. Hall and his team really thought of everything to make residents comfortable.
A Walk-In Closet

Can you believe it? The master bedrooms in the Survival Condo are designed with a walk-in closet. Even if the world is ending, it's nice to have your entire wardrobe with you. This closet has everything residents would find in a luxury condo - shelving, shoe racks and plenty of drawers for storing clothes.
Each unit has an energy-efficient washer and dryer, but considering there's staff at the Survival Condo, residents may have the option of paying someone else to take care of their laundry instead.
Everyone Acts As An "Extended Family"

The Survival Condo is designed to accommodate all types of (wealthy) people, whether they're a retired couple, family of six, or a multi-generational family. Everyone who lives in the facility is instructed on survival skills and must agree to act together as one "extended" family during times of survival mode.
This also means that the condos aren't offered to everyone-- residents must submit to a background check and interview process to make sure that they're trustworthy and a good fit for the community. You would want good neighbors too if you thought the world might be ending.
Plenty Of Bedroom Storage

On the Survival Condo website, Hall explains that the facility isn't aiming to capture the "survival nuts" and "preppers" of the world. Instead, the luxury condo community seeks to find residents who are smart, like-minded, and want to protect their families.
They make it clear that in order to be accepted into the Survival Condo facility, potential residents must have plenty of financial resources, higher education, and a "desire to participate in the shared tasks of survival under difficult circumstances."
A Movie Theater

Of course, residents aren't just limited to their own condo-- there's plenty to explore within the former missile silo. All residents are welcome to utilize this top-of-the-line movie theater, located on one of the bottom floors.
This home theater is on par with one that you might see in an NBA player's home! It's designed with stadium seating and comfortable leather theater chairs. There's also a wet bar and tables in the back.
The Condo Has Its Own Store Inside

That's right, there's a store within the Survival Condo structure to accommodate residents. Hall and his team made sure that there's a five year supply of food available at the general store.
You can also see that no space was left untouched when the former missile silo was converted into luxury condos. The flooring, energy-efficient lighting, and shelving in the store are immaculate. Residents are even able to pick up fresh produce!
The Exercise Facility Is State-Of-The-Art

The Survival Condo also features a well-stocked gym. Residents can find everything they need to get some good exercise within the luxury condos, including cardio equipment, weight machines, and dumbbells.
The walls of the gym are even painted with superheroes and athletes. With plenty of time to burn with the world above possibly coming to an end, why not burn some calories in the gym? There are plenty of options for residents to spend their time.
A Classroom

The Survivor Condo is designed to meet the needs of all of its residents, and that includes the kids! Learning doesn't stop here-- Hall and his team designed a beautiful classroom complete with large desks, partitions, computers, and colorful office chairs.
There are also learning materials on hand and staff to help students. Imagine having a classroom in your condo complex! The Survivor Condo is truly a glimpse into the future.
A Library

One of the requirements of potential residents of the Survival Condo is being well-educated. They don't want their residents to sit around and be couch potatoes, they want them to be mentally sharp and full of knowledge.
The library within the condos is designed to hold plenty of books with several tables, sofa chairs and couches for residents to curl up and enjoy a good book, or study. You can see that the floor-to-ceiling bookshelf was custom made to fit the curved space of the former missile silo.
A Game Room

Another common area available to residents is the game room. Here, Survivor Condo residents can meet up with their neighbors and shoot a game of billiards or just lounge around.
An eight-top table is available for card and board games, and the full-size couch is no different than one you would find in your friend's living room at home (well, maybe nicer). Once again, the design of the space would never have you knowing you were far below ground.
A Common Room For Getting Work Done

Another space on one of the common floors offers a full conference table, additional room on the couch, and a full kitchen with seating. Residents may choose to use the space if they want to get some work done outside of their condo.
The red theme is carried throughout all of the common rooms, along with black granite countertops and stainless steel fixtures. Residents of the Survival Condo don't even need to leave their building to have access to a nice working space like this.
Yes, It Even Has A Bar

Just because you're preparing for the apocalypse doesn't mean you don't want to relax and enjoy some cocktails-- in fact, you may want to even more. This common area is designed for the adults to come down and have a drink.
Although the bar isn't stocked in the photo, areas like this will be operated by staff that lives in the underground luxury condo. It's hard to say what drink you'll want in the midst of a nuclear attack. But we trust that the Survival Condo would be stocked with anything your heart desires.
There's Plenty To Do Over Here

Hall designed the Survival Condo with the entire family in mind. In addition to the gym and game room is this space. Here residents can bring their pets, as a dog park is around the corner with plenty of room to throw the ball for Fido.
It also has a rock-climbing wall and a ping pong table for kids or families. To make it feel more natural, trees, turf, and wall murals of nature can be found around the facility.
There's Even A Saltwater Pool

This saltwater pool has to be the greatest kept secret below ground in Kansas. When it came to designing a place for residents to swim and relax, Hall and his team didn't hold back.
The beautiful, large pool has a water slide, plenty of lounge chairs and room for kids to play around. They selected the perfect lighting to imitate the outdoors, with a painted mural of the beach on the walls.
The Scale Is Impressive

One client who toured the facility said, "I am in awe of what I have seen here in person. This is top-shelf, a total class act. Security with all of the amenities and luxury? I would have paid more."
While other people are scrambling for canned food and toilet paper, those who secured a unit in the Survival Cono can look forward to jumping in the saltwater pool upon arrival.
Hydroponics & Aquaponics For Fresh Produce

Circling back to how residents access fresh produce, the Survival Condo has two floors dedicated to hydroponics and an aquaponic farm. Remember, the facility is designed to house 75 people for five years.
And this is a luxury fallout shelter for the rich-- they don't plan on living off of canned green beans if in a time of crisis. All of the produce here is organic, including plenty of leafy greens.
There Will Be Enough For Everyone, Without The Work

Unless you've been planning, preparing, and learning how to live off-grid in a survival situation, it's likely that you wouldn't know how to grow all of the food you want for the next five years.
That's one of the best advantages of the Survival Condos: everything is taken care of for you. Those who purchased a condo at the facility can rest assured knowing that there will be fresh food accessible no matter what, when they arrive.
The Facility Has An Indoor Shooting Range

Of course, when you're preparing for the apocalypse, you don't want your shooting skills to be rusty. When considering what residents of the Survival Condo would want in their facility, Hall included a shooting range into the design plans.
Like everything else in the Survival Condo, the shooting range is brand new and state-of-the-art quality. Each condo is also outfitted with a large safe for residents to store their firearms.